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- Ancient Magic (The Prayer of Jacob)

- Baalism in Canaanite Religion and its Relation to Selected Old Testament Texts

- Cybele, Attis, and the mysteries of the ” suffering gods” : a transpersonalistic interpretation

- Dionysus and Kataragama: Parallel Mystery Cults

- Do Drugs Have Religious Import?

- Eleusinia Mysteries

- El ombligo del mundo. Los misterios toxicológicos del oráculo de Delfos

- Has the Mystery of the Eleusinian Mysteries been solved?

- How many kinds of 'mystical' experience are there?

- La neurociencia puede contribuir a la comprensión de la espiritualidad humana

- La relación entre la música y el trance extático

- Los Misterios de Eleusis

- Magic, diversity and the ethnographic contexts of San rock paintings in southern Africa

- Música y trance en el antiguo Egipto

- Pasos de iniciado a los misterios sagrados de Isis

- Possible difficulties in Yoga as a spiritual path towards transcendence

- Prophecy and the Earliest Prophets

- Proposals for an episteme of the “other” states of conscience

- Psychedelic Effects and the Eleusinian Mysteries

- Religius experience and philosophical analysis

- Spiritual crisis in early Irish Literature and later folk life

- The Cosmic Mysteries of Mithras

- The Dionysiac Mysteries and the Thesmophoria

- The Eleusinian Mysteries

- The origins of prophetic frenzy and ecstatic utterance in the Old Testament world

- The Psychedelics and Religion

- The Roots of Consciousness

- The Thesmophoric Sanctuary of Monte Papalucio

- The Varieties of Religious Experience

- Traditions of Magic in Late Antiquity